Feature photo above: Winter gulls and clouds rolling over snow-clad peaks, taken from Fethiye Kordon
The impact of Covid has made this past winter in Fethiye something of an aberration. With an influx of visitors from the larger cities here to sit out the pandemic, the town is noticeably busier than normal. This is reflected in many aspects of life, one of which is the scarcity of on-street parking, an issue that has already caused some debate.
However, setting that aside, under normal circumstances Fethiye is less frenetic and much more relaxed in winter. The pace of life slows as many who are busy working the summer season sit back to pass the time of day with friends over a leisurely cup of çay in the warm sunshine. Yes, this time of year can be very pleasant indeed, although the rains tend towards the torrential and the wind fearsome – and occasionally destructive – but on the whole our winters here are mostly balmy and sunny. If you want to take exception to that last observation, I suggest you pack your bags and head east to Kars, where winters are winters, thermometers measure down to -40c and real men wear furry long johns!
Jan and I, like many others, tend to be far more active in winter than at any other time of the year, summer being the debilitating furnace that it normally is, and Being British, we’re accustomed to and welcome the middling low temperatures that make this time of year so great for walking, cycling and getting about in a hire car. This offers some splendid photographic opportunities, so here’s a few that reflect the real treat that is Fethiye in winter.