Oh, No! Not More Observations On Life Between Husband And Wife.
Some more off-the-cuff one-liners and wry observations between Jan and myself, accompanied by another collection of orphan photos.
Tissue Issue – A Look At Loos
Ah, the rarely talked about subject of toilets. In this Loo Review, we take an affectionate look at the weird, wonderful and eccentric.
Turkish Cuisine. It’s Memorably Tastys
The food is amazing, the dishes colourfully sumptuous, the taste exquisite. Turkish cuisine is amongst the finest in the world and is one of the main reasons we decided to come and live here.
Once Seen Never Forgotten
When was the last time you did a double-take? It’s an almost daily occurrence in our lives when we see something incredibly beautiful or just joyously eccentric. My neck muscles have never been more toned!
Collective Nouns
They’re all here - a piglet of peppers, a slurring of gin and a pandemic of toilet rolls, all thrown together for a bit of fun.