Fethiye Boatyards
If you want your bottom scraped, a paint job, rotting timbers replaced or an engine refit, best book a spot at the boatyards beyond Karagozler. It's a fascinating place where traditional skills live on. Always well worth a visit.
Three Mountain Passes
If you’re heading up to the mountains, here’s a trio of routes you might like to try. Each winding country road takes you over a remote high pass, with glimpses of traditional country life and, at the summit, wonderfully expansive views.
Fethiye In Winter
The pace of life slows in the off-season and with days often sunny and warm, Fethiye in winter is a delight, particularly when the mountains are topped with gleaming snow.
Once Seen Never Forgotten
When was the last time you did a double-take? It’s an almost daily occurrence in our lives when we see something incredibly beautiful or just joyously eccentric. My neck muscles have never been more toned!
Back On Board The Turistik Dogu Ekspresi
Aboard the train once more, we trundle back westwards again, visiting Divriği’s amazing Ulu Camii and hospital and wonderful Sivas before spending our final day in Ankara itself and paying our respects to Atatürk at the Anitkabir, his mausoleum at the heart of the capital.
Kars. The Colder The Weather, The Warmer The People.
Bundled up against the bitter weather, we spend three days in Kars, visiting the haunting ruins of Ani right on the border with Armenia and taking a troika ride on the very firmly frozen Lake Çildir. Lordy, was it cold!
All Aboard the Turistik Dogu Ekspresi To Kars
Join us on an epic 1300km railway journey eastwards right across Turkey to the thoroughly frozen town of Kars, stopping on the way to visit some wonderful places. Except Erzincan, where the train rumbled off. We were not on it!
Remember The Summer?
When the wind howls and the lashing rain hits you sideways on, thoughts naturally turn to the balmy summer months, but beware - it’s not all good news!